
KAZ We Love It! Kazakhstan's New Year Gala

2024-03-19 (星期二)
Organized by the Hong Kong Baptist University, the KAZ We Love It! Kazakhstan’s New Year Gala was not only a great opportunity for our students to appreciate the vibrant traditions, history and customs of Kazakhstan, but also a special occasion for students to gain valuable insights into the major country of the Belt and Road initiative in the medium of English.

活動以哈薩克斯坦新年為主題 ,旨在推廣哈薩克斯坦傳統文化和節日 。在「新年慶典」文化體驗活動中,同學不但置身傳統哈薩克斯坦帳幕以了解當地傳統生活文化,更於帳幕中拍攝360度短片留念 。透過品嚐不同的傳統哈薩克斯坦美食,同學從不同角度了解當地文化 。此外 ,通過參與不同的互動遊戲 、工藝坊,同學更加深對哈薩克斯坦文化藝術的認識。
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